Life Update


I’ve taken a break for the last month or two due to life taking over and now I finally feel ready to get back to blogging. I’ve had anxiety problems since I was around 13/14 but over the last few months it has been worse than ever. I have had to take some time off work and just have some time out to get back to my happy self.

My doctor recommended I get a little companion to help my stress levels and so I can proudly introduce to you my best little four legged friend, Mowgli!

Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 14.21.40.pngMowgli is a Cocker Spaniel and is 18 weeks old. (he has his own instagram if you want to watch him grow 😉 @mowglithespaniel) He is the first thing to ever help my anxiety and I am so happy to have him in my life. Aiden and I are super proud parents already even if he is a little terror sometimes.

I am planning a few travel posts over the next few days including Rome, Zakynthos and Orlando so hopefully you will enjoy those.

Until next time,




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